Sunday, April 26, 2015

Energy Shift

You’ve all heard about the energy shift that happened on December 21, 2012. The world didn’t end like many people thought it would. We’re going into that Aquarian age that Dr. Christopher talked about. He knew this time was coming and taught how people could prepare themselves for this new vibration of the earth. We need to raise our own vibration. How do we do that? One way is to cleanse the inner vessel. He wrote a little booklet called The Three Day Cleansing Program. This booklet talks about how to do a three day juice cleanse and explains Dr. Christopher’s Mucusless Diet as well as listing his famous herbal formulas. One could overcome many health challenges by following the principles in this little booklet.
Another thing Dr. Christopher helped people with is how to have a positive attitude.  He believed in Herrings Law of Cure which states that “all healing starts from the inside out, from the head down and in the reverse order that the symptoms occurred.” Dr. Bernard Jensen explains part of this to mean that we need to change our thoughts. What happens in our head depending on what we are thinking causes symptoms in our physical bodies. We have to change what’s happening in our head in order to change what’s happening in our bodies. If we don’t, we will continue to create the same challenges over and over. Pay attention to what you think about, the food you eat, whether you want to exercise or not, how much sleep you are getting, and how your relationships are going. I believe that there’s a force on this planet that wants us to be unhealthy and to think bad things about ourselves and to keep us from becoming the human beings we were meant to become. There’s a song that says “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”
When someone makes the statement that says the world doesn’t revolve around you they’re wrong. The world does revolve around you because you can only feel your own feelings and think your own thoughts. You are the only one who can control what those feelings and thoughts are. You can’t control what anyone else thinks, does or says. You can only help them understand the difference and maybe the source between the good and the bad.

Make 2013 a peaceful year for you because it all begins with you.  You can change your life one thought at a time.  You are loved!

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