Friday, August 25, 2023

 What’s in Your Backpack? 

Back to School Suggestions


Jo Francks MH

Whether you’re going back to school or on an afternoon hike, it’s always good to be prepared to face any small emergency that might come up. A few simple remedies in your backpack will bring comfort and healing when a situation arises. Here are some suggestions on what you will want to have in your backpack this fall. 


First of all, for many emergencies, you’ll want to have cayenne. This will stop bleeding and has been used to stop heart attacks. It is used to prevent shock, hypothermia, and to give you a quick energy boost. It stimulates and equalizes circulation helping with lethargy and brain fog. In your backpack you can pack either cayenne powder to mix in water when needed, or an extract to use either in water or straight in the mouth in an emergency. 

Healing Ointment:

Never leave home without some kind of healing ointment. This can be Dr. Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone ointment or something else of your choice. This comes in handy for those awful paper cuts. You’ve all had one and healing ointment feels better than lemon juice. The ointment can be carried in a small jar or even in a lip balm tube. Why not use it on your lips? Many high schoolers are very concerned about the condition of their lips.

I like to use an ointment containing comfrey and calendula for healing, pain relief and for itching. You can add other herbs you like to it. Here’s a short video on how to make a calendula ointment.

Rescue Remedy:

This is a Bach Flower remedy to use when you're faced with a stressful situation. Is it pop quiz time? Did you forget to do your math assignment? It’s the end of the quarter and you’re failing chemistry? Do you have a newsletter due? Well, Rescue Remedy to the rescue. This will help you stay calm and not freak out. This comes in many different forms including drops, gummies, and a spray.

Immune Support:

It’s important to keep your immune system strong to prevent picking up the latest virus or bacterial infection going around. 

Echinacea is used if you have been around a sick person. Start taking it 3 times a day or every hour if you have symptoms. This will help kick the immune system into gear to help fight off infections, sore throats, colds, flus, and runny noses. 

Red Raspberry Leaves can be used every day and will help build the immune system. It will also be helpful for girls who have symptoms of PMS or menstrual cramps.

Other herbs to use to help with immunity are garlic as a natural antibiotic, calendula, lemon balm, cat's claw, and elderberries. 

The wonderful thing about herbs is that many of them have similar properties so if one isn’t available you can choose another that does many of the same things.

Pack a few of these items in your backpack and you will be ready for a lot of things you might face on the playground, in the classroom, or on the trail.  

Energy Bars

These make a great after school snack

1 ½  cups chopped pitted dates

1 ½ cups rolled oats

2 tbsp coconut flakes

2 tbsp chia seeds

½ cup nuts (walnuts, macadamias, brazil nuts, etc.)

⅓ cup natural peanut butter

¼ tsp salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

Add the above ingredients to a food processor and pulse until the mixture is finely chopped and sticky. 

Line an 8X8 baking dish with parchment paper. Pour the mixture from the food processor into the pan. Add ¼ cup dark chocolate chips and mix into the dough. Spread the mixture evenly in the pan. Remove from the pan by holding the parchment paper and lifting out of the pan. Cut into bars. 

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