Thursday, February 28, 2019

We Recommend Skin Brushing

We Recommend Skin Brushing

Jo Francks MH
In Iridology the edge of the iris of the eye represents the outside skin of the body. Ideally the iris color should extend all the way to the edge of the iris. If there is a dark edge to the iris it may be suggesting that the skin is under active and needs some attention and nurturing.
The skin is our largest channel of elimination and could also be a communicator that our other channels of elimination and detoxification are being sluggish by showing signs of acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc. Skin brushing helps the skin by brushing away dead skin cells and opening up the pours. It helps increase circulation to the skin and throughout the body. It is also an excellent way to move lymph through the body. This is important because the lymph doesn’t move on its own like the blood does. Lymph needs our help to get through the lymphatic system. It carries immune cells and cleans up the blood as it moves. Our own body movements, exercise, skin brushing and massage are some of the ways to pump the lymph.
To do skin brushing, use a dry skin brush with natural bristles on dry skin. Start by brushing the bottom of the left foot then the top and use upward brushing motions and work your way to the top of the leg and hip. Make sure to brush front back and sides so you don’t miss any spots. Do the same on the right leg starting at the bottom of the foot and work up to the hip always brushing towards the heart. After you have brushed the legs go to the left hand. Start at the palm then the back of the hand and brush up to the shoulder then do the right hand and arm. On the back start at the waist and brush all the way up the back to the shoulders the brushing strokes going upward. On the abdomen brush in a clockwise motion in the direction the bowels flow. Brush from the jaw down the neck to the chest. From the top of the shoulders, brush down the chest toward the heart. When doing dry skin brushing it is important to go with the flow meaning brush in the direction the lymph moves. The lymph nodes are one way valves and always open towards the heart.
The best time to do dry skin brushing is in the morning just before showering. Some reports say that it has helped with crepe skin, cellulite and improved energy levels. I suggest you try it out for 30 days and see what kind of results you get.

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