Jo Francks MH
The International Herb Association has declared the genus
Artemisia as herb of the year for 2014. There are 2 herbs from the Artemisia genus
on the School of Natural Healings 100 herb list. Artemisia tridentata, whose
common name is desert sage and Artemisia absenthium or wormwood.
Artemesia tridentate or desert sage is a plant that grows
abundantly here in Utah. After a summer rain it fills the air with its pleasant
aroma. It is used as a tonic and blood cleanser and to help to regulate female
issues. The branches of this plant are bound together and used as smudge sticks
to clear the air when burned.
Wormwood is usually used in combination with other herbs. It
will expel worms and is a good liver tonic and digestive aid. A tincture made
from the fresh leaves makes a good liniment for sore muscles, sprains and
bruises. The dried leaves have been hung
in pantries and storage areas to keep bugs away.
Both of these herbs are very bitter. Use a teaspoon per cup
of boiling water and steep for 30 minutes. A cold infusion is best used with
desert sage and left to steep a few hours or overnight.
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