Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Emotional Well Being

  Emotional Well Being

Jo Francks, MH

I recently received a call from someone who was considering ending his life. He thought he was calling a hotline for help with his issues but somehow got my number. In this situation, I had to think fast to help him change his thinking and help him realize that his life mattered and that he was of great worth on earth. He was surprised at the things I said to him as if I knew him. I know what I said to him came from a higher source and it was no coincidence that he got my number. When we finished our conversation he was in a much better place emotionally. Unfortunately, there are many people silently suffering from emotional and mental issues that don’t know where to turn for help. I will be sharing some sources that people can use to help with emotional issues.

Number one is proper nutrition and herbs. We want to get the nervous system and the endocrine system working optimally. First eliminate toxins that are disruptive to the nervous system which can create an imbalance in the body's chemical system. These include sugar, artificial colors or sweeteners, MSG or “Natural Flavorings”, and anything that is added to food as a preservative. Eat food from the produce section, organic as much as possible, and nuts and seeds. Avoid gluten if you are sensitive to it. The nervous system requires calcium and B vitamins to work properly. The Relax-Eze formula is a wonderful supplement for the nervous system. Individual nervine herbs of valerian, skullcap, chamomile, or kava kava can be very helpful for rebuilding the nerves. Another help would be the Herbal Calcium formula to provide the building blocks for calcium the body can use. 

There are many herbs that can help with mental well being. I always recommend the MindTrac formula. Herbs to strengthen the endocrine system are always helpful because this is where hormones are made in the body. When the glands are functioning properly the hormones will come into balance. Adaptogens are helpful for this. Ashwagandha, rhodiola, holy basil, schizandra, and ginseng are some examples of adaptogens that can help with the endocrine system. The Glandular System formula and the formulas specific to glandular weakness should be considered such as the Adrenal formula, the Thyroid Maintenance formula, or the Hormonal Changease formula. 

There are also some self help tools available online and in books to help overcome negative thinking and negative emotional states. 

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman is a book that has tools to help overcome negative thinking and to help release negative thoughts. One of the first things the author suggests working on is the thought pattern of not liking yourself. She has you work on this belief before anything else. Can you guess why?

EFT is another tool you can use on your own to release negative thoughts and behaviors. Gary Craig originated this technique. It stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and is often called tapping. Gary Craig and Nick Ortner both have resources online that can be accessed easily. There are many instructional YouTube videos teaching this technique for free. 

The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson is a tool to release trapped emotions in the body which can cause physical symptoms. You can learn it on your own or find a practitioner that is efficient in the technique who can help. 

These are a few tools and modalities that are very helpful for emotional and mental issues that can be done on your own or with the help of a qualified practitioner. 

Compassion for others is lacking in our world today. A wise man that once walked the earth taught us to love others and that peace begins with you. Let us always remember that there are people out there that need a cup of kindness and that is free to give to anyone. 



Inula helenium

Jo Francks MH

When looking for an effective herb to treat lung problems, consider elecampane. It has a long history of treating various illnesses in the pulmonary system including asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and whooping cough. It can be used alone or in combination with other herbs for the lungs such as horehound, mullein or wild cherry bark. It’s a good herb to use at the first sign of a cough, runny nose, sore throat or sinus infection.

Elecampane’s medicinal properties are in the root and rhizome and it can contain up to 40% of inulin, a substance that will feed the friendly bacteria in the colon. Elecampane helps with all pulmonary and catarrhal problems. Its sodium phosphate cleans the liver and digestive organs, the potassium chloride dissolves the fibrinous exudations and mucoid matter, and its calcium chlorine supports, feeds and tones the heart muscles. 

It is a stimulant, a relaxant, and a tonic to the mucous membrane, a warming strengthening cleansing and toning agent to the intestinal tract and pulmonary membranes. Because of its powerful healing action and efficient expectoration of pulmonary mucus, some herbalists have considered it a specific remedy for consumption and pulmonary disorders. It promptly clears up old chronic diseases of the lungs and chest.

Elecampane has antimicrobial properties making it effective against viral, fungal or bacterial infections.

Elecampane is often used for digestive problems, especially since it has such a high level of inulin. This makes it helpful when trying to balance gut bacteria. It will help slow down absorption of sugar to prevent sudden changes in blood sugar levels. It also helps to decrease inflammation in the intestines, lungs, and elsewhere in the body. 

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