Start the new year by doing a 3 day cleanse to help you reboot your system for a new decade.
Dr. Christopher's famous 3 day cleanse is a great way to help get rid of cravings, cleanse the colon, feel like a new person, and reboot your system.
Some benefits of the 3 day cleanse are to
- Help with brain fog
- Help with digestive disturbances
- Help improve energy levels
- Improve emotional well being
- Feel fantastic
- Eliminate cravings for improper foods
If you have made it through the holidays and have been eating a perfect diet then you may disregard this post. If not then keep reading.
Let's start the challenge by doing a 3 day cleanse. What it is is a 3 day juice fast.
First: pick a juice that you will be consuming for the 3 days. This can be apple, grape, carrot, or citrus.
Second: Choose 3 consecutive days to consume up to a gallon of juice each day.
Third: Follow the guidelines for the 3 days.
Fourth: Make sure you are close to bathroom facilities for the 3 days.
This is a serious commitment and is an intense cleanse for your body. It's like changing the oil in your car or spring cleaning your house. You are cleaning out the debris in you colon to allow the rest of your body to cleanse.
The 3 day cleanse:
- First thing in the morning you will consume 16 ounces of prune juice. This is only consumed in the morning once each morning for the 3 days.
- 1/2 hour later you will drink 8 ounces of your chosen juice.
- The next 1/2 hour you will drink 8 ounces of distilled water.
- 3 times throughout the day you will need to take 1 tablespoon of olive oil. This helps lubricate the bile ducts so the bile can flow freely.
- Continue alternating your juice of choice and water each 1/2 hour.
- Swish each mouthful of juice as if you are chewing it to mix with saliva for better digestion and prevent a blood sugar crash.
- Finish your juice and water consumption at 8:00 PM
You will follow this plan for the next 2 days.
The 4th and 5th day is optional to drink only water if desired.
After the cleanse you will want to transition into the Mucusless diet which I also call the Mild Food diet.
An explanation of the diet will be given in the next post.
Any questions are welcome.
Any questions are welcome.