Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Vitamin D

Vitamin D The Sunshine Vitamin
Jo Francks MH
An important part of Dr. Christopher’s Incurables Program is the sunbath.  He recommended that you “take a sunbath each day in the nude and not through glass but in the direct sun.”  There are two types of ultraviolet light from the sun, UVA and UVB rays.  UVA rays are longer and penetrate deep into the skin to produce a dark tan. When in the sun too long they cause wrinkles and sun spots.  UVB rays are shorter and cause the skin to burn. They are also the only rays that make vitamin D. Vitamin D is actually a steroid and is a powerful antioxidant.  It is an important nutrient in preventing cancer including skin cancers. It is important for proper immune function and to prevent autoimmune diseases.  It helps with proper brain function, diabetes prevention and is needed for absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
“Only allow two minutes on the front and two minutes on the back the first day. Then add two minutes front and back each day, but no more.”  You should never stay in the sun long enough to get burned.  The body stops making vitamin D once the skin starts to turn pink. When SPF sunscreen is applied it stops vitamin D production and may make you more susceptible to some skin cancers.
“The sun is the world’s greatest doctor but must be used by building up the exposed time in the sun gradually so as to not burn.”  The best time for vitamin D production from the sun is 11:00 am until 1:00 pm or when the sun is the brightest.  That is when the UVBs are most direct.  They are not as effective when they come in at an angle and they are easily filtered out by smog, pollution, fog, clouds and windows.    
“If it is a cloudy or cold day, use a sunlamp, but do not allow a burn.” The best source for vitamin D is from natural sunlight, but in the winter, it is not possible to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from the sun.  Sunlamps or tanning beds are another option and some provide both UVA and UVB rays for vitamin D production. Most salon tanning beds are calibrated to produce about 95% UVA light, but there are some that will produce both UVA and UVB rays.  The same caution should be used with a tanning bed as with sun exposure and they can safely produce vitamin D in the winter months. Dr. Michael Holick of Boston University has shown that vitamin D produced by UVB radiation from a tanning bed maintains longer lasting and more consistent levels of vitamin D than taking vitamin D supplements.  Dermatologists have found that tanning makes the skin give off endorphins which improve feelings of well-being and make you feel happier.

Sources: Herbal Home Health Care by Dr. John R. Christopher
Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora T. Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT
Baby Boomer Diet by Donna Gates


Peach (Prunus Persica)  Jo Francks, M.H.

I always look forward to this time of year. Fresh locally grown produce is abundant and I think my favorite just might be fresh peaches. The season seems to go by too quickly and before you know it there are no more peaches to be found. Peaches are rich in antioxidants and other compounds that help prevent and fight various kinds of cancer, lower cholesterol, improve eyesight, reduce inflammation, improve skin health and strengthen the immune system.
The peach fruit is delicious to eat but there are many parts of the tree that can be used medicinally including the bark, leaf, and flower.

Peach bark is used as a nervine and a blood purifier. An infusion or a few capsules are said to stop cases of difficult diarrhea almost immediately. It is also used to relieve morning sickness in pregnancy. It can be made into a tea or a tincture made from the fresh bark in alcohol. The bark is also an agent used for the urinary tract in cases of burning urine and inflammation.
Folk legends say that if you have an upset stomach you should scrape the bark downward from a peach tree, boil it and drink it. If that upset turns to diarrhea you should scrape the bark upward and repeat the process!

Peach leaves are used as an excellent gentle laxative in cases of constipation. They have been used to expel worms. A tea of the leaves can be used to calm the nerves and to relieve coughing spasms. The bark and leaves have many of the same properties. They are used as a sedative and expectorant. All coughs can benefit from using peach bark or leaf. Gather peach leaves in the late summer when still green, dry them and store them to use as a tea through the winter. 

Peach flowers are good for the skin and have been used for skin cancer. The flowers can be made into a tea and taken internally or used topically as a fomentation. The fruit can be blended and used as a mask on the skin and has been beneficial in removing dark circles.
Enjoy eating peaches while they are ripe. A great way to preserve them is to dry them or freeze them. I have made canned peaches for many years using concentrated frozen apple juice as a sweetener instead of sugar. We enjoy making peach cobbler, peach ice cream (dairy free), smoothies and many other recipes using peaches.

The Urinary Tract

The Urinary Tract
Jo Francks MH
The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, bladder, ureters and the urethra.  The kidney function is to remove waste from the blood and regulate fluid levels.  The kidneys process about 200 quarts of water per day and excrete about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water through the bladder per day in the form of urine.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the second most common type of infections in the body and account for over 8 million doctor visits per year.  UTIs can happen anywhere in the urinary tract but most common is the bladder.  Women are more likely to develop a UTI than men.  One in five women will suffer from a UTI and about 20% of those will likely have another bladder infection.
Symptoms of a urinary tract infection may include cloudy urine, foul smelling urine, a reddish color if blood is present, painful or burning sensation during urination, frequent urge to urinate, and a low grade fever.  If the infection reaches the kidneys, other symptoms may appear such as pain in the lower back or side, nausea and vomiting, chills or fever, tired or general ill feeling.
Herbal treatment for UTIs:  In her book Dr. Mom’s Healthy Living, Sandra Ellis claims she has never seen the following treatment fail.  Take 2 capsules of Dr. Christopher’s Kidney Formula with 1 capsule Solaray Cranactin 3 times a day, and drink a gallon of distilled water per day.  Sandra says “There is an ingredient in cranberries that keeps the bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall, the kidney formula kills the infection, and the gallon of distilled water flushes it out.”  Dr. Christopher’s Infection formula can be added to the above treatment if necessary.  Take 4 capsules 3 times a day.  Other herbs that could help with a bladder infection include dandelion which acts as a diuretic and blood purifier, buchu which helps relieve the burning sensation, uva ursi is a strong diuretic and helps to dissolve stones, marshmallow root to help soothe the irritation, astragalus to boost the immune system, garlic to fight infection and boost immune function, cranberry juice, rose hips, yarrow, couch grass,  juniper berries, corn silk, and hydrangea root to dissolve stones.
Prevention is the key, especially if a person has experienced a bladder infection in the past.   Don’t  resist the urge to urinate, and make sure the bladder is completely empty each time.  Wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria around the anus from entering  the vagina or urethra. Take showers instead of baths.  Drink a gallon of distilled water every day.  Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, sodas, and sugary drinks, and processed foods.  Eat more green foods (try a green smoothie) and fresh fruits and vegetables.  Carrot juice, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar are all good to help change the Ph of the body to  more alkaline.  Disease can’t grow in an alkaline environment.


In a blender add a ripe banana and a pear or any other fruit you would like such as grapes, apple, berries etc.  Now add leafy greens of your choice to fill the blender to the top.  I like kale and spinach mixed.  Try fresh dandelion, plantain, alfalfa, comfrey, amaranth, lambs quarter, collard etc.  Add water halfway to the top and about a tablespoon of agave, maple syrup or honey (optional).  Cover with lid and blend for a minute or two until it is smooth.

  Herbs Used By the Pioneers Jo Francks MH In Utah we celebrate Pioneer Day on July 24th. But Utah isn’t the only state where pioneers immig...